Trump visit...
President Trumps daughter is coming here this week to see our walls and give him some ideas for his own new wall. Here are some pictures...
The 60th edition, the chicken and rabbit sagre
Photos from the 60th edition of the chicken and rabbit sagre in Castellana... including our chicken and rabbit dinner...
Grape Festival in Cisternino
Festa dell uva... "festival of the grape" in Cisternino a few weeks ago in celebration of the grape harvest. #Festadelluva...
Grape harvest time!
Elizabeth posing with grapes grown here at Masseria Due Torri. A busy time making fresh grape juice, jelly and preserves, much tastier...
Filming in Polignano this week...
Filming in Polignano this week was a lot of fun. This is a picture of us actors with the film producers and crew. Lots of tourists were...
Looking for a venue for a celebration? Come to Masseria Due Torri
We would like to share some photos from our most recent celebration at Masseria Due Torri, Elizabeth's birthday BBQ! If you are...
Master Chef 2014 winner Ping Coombes visits Masseria Due Torri
Last week we had the pleasure of a visit from Master Chef winner 2014, Ping Coombes, and her friends. Ping kindly said we could share...
Medieval Festival in Altamura
Some photos from the Medieval Festival in Altamura, 23rd-25th April 2016. That's us in the middle, dressed up in traditional costume....
Organic Olive Leaf Tea from Masseria Due Torri
New from our ancient olive groves, Organic Olive Leaf Tea. The 100% natural leaves are hand picked and quickly dried for full health...
Masseria Due Torri Gardens in January
A few photographs of the garden at this time of year... #wintersun #masseria #masseriaduetorri #orchard #farmhouse #BB #selfcatering #fruit